Dental Bridge Case Study 1

Dental Laminate Restoration Photos

The photos below follow a case study in which Dental Bridges replaced the patient’s missing upper front teeth.

An anterior bridge attaches to two teeth at the left and right of the missing teeth, creating a bridge between the natural and replacement teeth.

For more information, or to make an appointment with Dr. Al Budrys or Dr. Leek, please use our Contact Us form below or call our office: Budrys Dental Office in Mentor OH Phone Number (440) 951-1318.

Before: Stained Teeth | After: Teeth Restored With Dental Veneers

Before: Patient Missing Four Anterior Upper Teeth

Before photo: Patient missing two upper front teeth and teeth prepped for a dental bridge in Mento OH

Finished Result: Dental Bridge In Place

After Photo: Patient with Dental Bridge and crowns and even upper teeth in Mento OH

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