Teeth Crowding

We invite you to use pages listed below to review different case studies and photos of Cosmetic Dentistry and restorations of corrections for crowded teeth with a crossbite.

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consult for Invisalign, please use our Request An Appointment form below or call our office: Budrys Dental Office in Mentor OH Phone Number (440) 951-1318.

Before Photos | After Photos

Patient Case Photos Prior to Invisalign© Treatment:

Before photo: Patient mouth exhibiting crowding and crossbite in Mento OH Before photo: Crowing in upper teeth in Mento OH Before photo: Crossbite and crowding in lower teeth in Mento OH

Patient Case Photos After to Invisalign© Treatment:

After photo: Teeth and bite straightened after Invisalign treatment in Mento OH After photo: Evenly spaced upper teeth after Invisalign in Mento OH After photo: evenly spaced and aligned lower teeth after Invisalign in Mento OH

Imagine Smiling With Confidence Again

Call us: (440) 951-1318

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Contact Budrys Dental

The first step towards a beautiful, healthy smile is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form below. Our scheduling coordinator will contact you to confirm your appointment. Note: This form should not be used to communicate private health information.

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